C# - Group Chat

If you want to know how to develop a group chat application, have a look at this project. The project includes a server and a client. The server listens for TCP client connections. Once a client is connected to the server, the server maintains the connection in a collection. Every time a message is sent from a client to the server, the server broadcasts the message to all clients in the collection.
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C# - Custom InputBox

C# unlike Visual Basic, does not have an Input DialogBox class to capture user input. Buts that's not a problem as you can just add a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll and use the static InputBox class from the Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction namespace. But if you want a custom InputBox, then checkout this project.
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PHP - JsonDb A Flat File Database

JsonDb is a simple flat file database library designed to perform CRUD operations on a flat file. In this article we take a look at how JsonDb can be used to store data in a json file. Read more

PHP - MicroMVC A Simple Framework

The MVC pattern is a widely used pattern for developing web applications. PHP has a vast range of open source MVC frameworks that help to ease development. This article presents a lightweight MVC framework that you can use as a bootstrap.

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Javascript - A Simple LightBox

Most websites showcase images using a lightbox, which is used to enlarge smaller thumbnail images. In this article, I explain how to develop a simple lightbox plugin using pure JavaScript. Read more

C# - Crop Image Example

This code snippet shows how to crop an image. Read more

ASP.Net - Simple File Upload

Asp.Net makes uploading files as simple as a few lines of code. In this article, I explain how to upload files using Web Forms and C#. Read more

C# - Text To Speech

The .Net Framework makes developing Text to Speech applications very simple with the System.Speech assembly. In this article, I explain how easy it is to get started with Text to Speech. Read more

C# - Image Slider Control

This Windows control can be used to view images in a slide show with captions. The control is configurable with a few useful settings. The list below contains a set of properties which can be used to configure the ImageSlider control. Read more

PHP - Data Paging Example

This code snippet demonstrates a simple class for presenting tabular data with paging. You can override various render methods to customize the rendering behavior. Read more